︎ Fotini Tsibiridou

Fotini Tsibiridou, is dr. of Ethnology-Social Anthropology (EHESS-Paris 1990), professor of social anthropology in the department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, and director of the Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab at the University of Macedonia cbg-lab.uom.gr . She carried out ethnographic research in a refugee village of 1922, among Pomak populations and minorities in Greek Thrace, in villages in Macedonia, the Peloponnese, in Istanbul, in the Sultanate of Oman and more broadly in the Middle East and the Balkans.

As of 2018 and in the context of postcolonial and feminist criticism, she explores the genre of religiosity, statehood, and gendered subjectivity in post-Ottoman topologies and geographies. Since 2020, as a founding member of the dëcolonıze hellàş initiative https://decolonizehellas.org/, she has been dealing with issues of coloniality and postcolonial archives, the decolonization of gender and the defacement of patriarchy.