Keti Chukhrov -
Doktor Habil in Philosophical Sciences (2013), an associate professor at the School of Philosophy &
Сultural Studies at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). In 2017-2019 she has been a Marie Sklodowska
Curie fellow in UK, Wolverhampton University. She has authored numerous texts
on art theory and philosophy. Articles:The Philosophic Disability of Reason.
Evald Ilyenkov's Critique of Machinic Intelligence, Radical Philosophy.
2020. No. 207. P. 67-78; Epistemological
Gaps between the Socialist East and the Democratic West., in: Primary Documents. Art and Theory of Post-1989
Central and Eastern Europe: A Critical Anthology. Duke University Press,
2018. Ch. 39. P. 375-381.
Her latest book Practicing the Good. Desire and Boredom in
Soviet Socialism (University of Minnesota Press, 2020) deals with the
impact of socialist political economy on the epistemes of historical socialism.
Her full-length books include: To Be—To Perform. ‘Theatre’ in Philosophic
Critique of Art (European Un-ty, 2011), and Pound &£ (Logos, 1999),
and a volume of dramatic writing: Merely
Humans (2010). Her research
interests and publications deal with 1. Philosophy of performativity, 2. Soviet
Marxist philosophy and communist epistemologies 3. Art as the Institute of
global Contemporaneity.