Radek Przedpełski (rah-deck
pshet-pe-woo-skee; him/they) is an artist and media scholar lecturing in
interactive digital media at Trinity College Dublin. Radek graduated from TCD
with a PhD in Digital Art and Humanities. Radek’s dissertation explored the
1970s neo-avant-garde intermedia in People’s Republic of Poland focusing on
Polish artist Marek Konieczny (1936-2022). Radek is currently writing a
monograph on deterritorializing Sarmatism (a Baroque mythology of Eastness) in works
of this marginalised artist. Radek also worked as a researcher for the Slavs
and Tatars collective. Radek co-edited a volume on Deleuze, Guattari and the
Art of Multiplicity (Edinburgh University Press, 2020). Radek is a curator,
together with media scholar Laura U. Marks, of the annual Small File Media
Festival of sustainable media art hosted by Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Radek's artistic practice explores entanglements between the earth, the cosmos,
and sustainable artistic techniques.