You are invited to take part in the SMR Research and reading groups
Group 1: Formalizing humanities in conversation with the STEM sciences (format: closed and informal symposia of hands-on engagement with the topics)
“Is a middle ground formal language shared by scientists in the humanities, and in particular philosophers, and the STE(a)M scientists possible? What is the “noise” in communication in each of the areas respectively as well as between them that should be eliminated, and what is the noise that should be isolated to study because productive?”
NB: Formalization of language (and detecting its limits) is not the same as analytic philosophy; quite to the contrary, any concept that has emerged from philosophy for the sciences to discuss or consider it (such as “extended mind” or “eliminative”) is hardly a product of analytic philosophy, because either one deal with a borderline metaphor (“extended mind”) or a metaphysical question of “matter” and “materialism.”
Topic 1: Consciousness and subjectivity
We invite computer scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, physicists, psychologists, neuroscientists, biologists (the list is not exhaustive) to engage in a series of one-hour long workshops. They take place bi-weekly, via zoom. Some parts of the sessions will be edited and uploaded publicly, but most of the program is not open to the public. We invite global participation, and the program is taking place online. This will be a series of workshops. We will determine how many based on the interest for participation expressed by first emailing us at and then filling our a short application form.