The Feminine in an Age of Anthropological Transformation
SMR Summer Schools at the Campus in Greece
Julia Kristeva, Miglena Nikolchina
With Katarina Kolozova as invited lecturer
The Feminine in an Age of Anthropological Transformation
Dates: 8th to 15th
of September 2024, Olympiada, Greece
- Short Syllabus with the tentative agenda and
practical information -
In the
accelerated anthropological transformation at the beginning of this third
millennium, women are at once an emerging
force, on the same level with its upheavals in values and identities, AND
an irreducible otherness—object of
desire, fear, and envy, of oppression and exploitation, of abuse and exclusion.
Julia Kristeva’s masterclass will focus on the transformative potential of what
she conceptualizes as the feminine: not femininity, not femaleness or
womanhood but a specific aspect of the human psyche which might be the proper
engine of our capacity to change.
Lecture 1.
Feminine Oedipus or, about female sexuality. (Kristeva)
Lecture 2. The
Female Genius (Arend, Klein, Colette) (Kristeva)
In the second
part of the course Miglena Nikolchina will approach works of science fiction
(the TV series Battlestar “Galactica,” Blade Runner and BladeRunner 2049, Alien- from the first one to Prometheus and Alien: Covenant) in order
to foreground the role that
maternity and (pro)creation play in attempts to define the human vis-à-vis the
machine. Kristeva’s
concept of the feminine will be examined in the framework of what Freud termed
“psychic revolution of matter”: the revolution which is arguably at the center
of Kristeva’s thought from her earliest writing to her latest.
Lecture 1. Being
Born or Being Made? Kristeva’s Concept of the Maternal Chora and the Semiotic.
Lecture 2. Making
Soul by Making Flesh: Kristeva’s Concepts of Signifiance and Transubstantiation.
The third part
offered by Katarina Kolozova focuses on Marx’s notion of “fetish” as commodity
or, if the term fetish is problematic in any way, then, quite simply on the problem
of commodity as reification of abstraction. There is an unnegotiable
categorical distinction between the abstract and the material or physical. The
distinction is, let us reiterate, categorical not ontological. There is a
distinction between the two and they should not be conflated or rendered
mutually interchangeable. We will look at the dialectics of femininity as
commodified and fetishised value (Irigaray), its comparability with Marx’s
formulae of M-C-M and how philosophy operates as a signifying automation or
pleasure principle (Lacan, Laruelle, and the foreclosure of the real). We will also try to tie this discussion with
Kristeva’s thesis of the Feminine Oedipus.
Lecture 3. Comparability
of the Machines of Patriarchy, Capital and Philosophy: The Fate of the Remnants
of Flesh and femininity (Kolozova)
Day 1 Arrivals,
and an opening dinner
Day 2
Kristeva’s Master Class part 1, Lecture 1
Coffee and Snacks Break
Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the
13.00-16.30 Lunch
break and beach time
Student work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout
sessions supervised by Nikolchina and Kolozova
Day 3
Kristeva’s Master Class part 2, Lecture 2
Coffee and Snacks Break
Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the
students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch
break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student
work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous day, moderated
by Nikolchina and Kolozova with Kristeva’s feedback.
Day 4
Nikolchina’s Lecture 1
Coffee and Snacks Break
Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the
students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch
break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student
work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout sessions
supervised by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova
Day 5
Nikolchina’s Lecture 2
Coffee and Snacks Break
Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the
students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch
break and beach time
Student work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous
day, moderated by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova.
Day 6
Kolozova’s Lecture 1
Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Student
presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the
school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice
that have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented.
Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
13.00-16.30 Lunch
break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student
presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the
school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice that
have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented.
Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
Day 7
Free day with
optional program SMR will organize for those interested; Among the offered
options will be: A
one day tour "In the Footsteps of Aristotle", Visit to Mount Athos, Visit to the archaeological site of
Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, and other options (like the Aristotle National
Park). We will ask you to select options in your application forms and in that
way we will know well ahead of time what to organize. Certainly, anyone can
make arrangements of their own choice. Staying at the beach is also an option
that anyone can use freely.
Program: Students/participants
can propose and organize their own activities like movie screening and
discussions in the shared space on the ground floor ending at 10.30 PM latest.
We made sure that
we follow the ancient Greek principle of philosophical study, including also
arts and sciences, being scholē (leisure time, pleasure and play). The institute is placed in what was once Stagira after all, the birthplace of Aristotle. The
program is structured in such a way that it allows for enjoying the sun and the
beach of the Aegean Sea as well as socialising with the rest of the group, visiting
local tavernas, taking trips to nearby archaeological sites and visits to
Thessaloniki and other interesting nearby location. Olympiada is the contemporary
name of ancient Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, located in the northern
part of the region of Macedonia of Greece. The climate is mild, the area is
surrounded by continental rather than Mediterranean flora and fauna. It is
surrounded by green mountainous area. Mount Athos is only 70-80 miles away.
Hybrid format module:
For those who cannot make it to the Campus, we have reserved the option for online
participation; please, bear in mind that its possibilities are limited compared
to the in-person participation (interaction with faculty and community,
informal program, presentations, etc.). The fee for the online variant is also 300
For the Global South there is automatic discount of 30% (on the overall price, excluding online participation).
Fees and
what they cover.
- 1000 euro for 7 days full package: It covers both the program participation fee and hosting you at the Campus premises.
[Breakdown of costs explained in the call is revised due to rebalancing of the budget. However, all the elements of what hosting you on campus is as explained in the call are retained and still valid.]
- Important:
The amount can be paid in instalments; you just need to choose the option in
the application form.
How to Apply: Interested applicants can find the full application form here, as well as at the very bottom of this page. All application forms must be filled out in full and sent in by December 31th, 2023, in order to be considered valid. If you have any inquiries please send them to all of the following email address: schoolofmaterialistresearch@gmail.com
housing and food:
The full participation fee enables the SMR organizer to secure affordable lodging in Olympiada through our local partner tour operators.
SMR can house up to 15 students/participants of its Summer Institute programs
, and its cost is included
in the participation fee. It also offers fridges and stove in the shared
kitchen/coffee station area you can prepare your own food (however cooking elaborate
meals is not allowed, more snacks, salads, etc.). Laundry area is provided as
well. Showers and bathrooms are shared but at least three on each floor (all
areas are renovated and clean)
All those who cannot submit an early application to make sure they will be housed at the
SMR building, can either find an accommodation in a walking distance with our help
(for a discount price) or directly themselves via booking and other platforms,
as well as the local tour operators whose contact details will be provided.
Regarding food,
some of the meals will be prearranged by SMR in collaboration with the local
tavernas, and that cost is also included in the price.
All the snacks
and coffee plus water is provided by SMR.
transportation from the airport:
Olympada is only 50 minutes away by car from the Thessaloniki airport
should you share a care or find a direct shuttle. Unfortunately, the shuttles
from the airport are slower due to making stops. If you want us to arrange
transportation for you, please indicated in the application but keep in mind
that we will have to group you with others arriving at around a similar hour,
so we will have to let you know if the arrangement can be made and also how
much it will cost (should it turn our that a car is picking up one person).
After we offer you options, you will make your own choice and let us know. This
will not be included in the fee, but we will make sure the prices for our
participants are highly favourable. Here are some useful links should you
choose to arrange your own transportation: Hellas Chauffeur https://tinyurl.com/yxr4skf2 , or Welcome Pickups https://tinyurl.com/2s3zjxt9 , and many other links that can be found on
the airport website.
What you
earn after the School: An
ECTS certificate of completion of 2 credits (1 ECTS = 28 hours of not only
class but also you individual work or preparation and project/presentation writing/creating),
cosigned by ISSHS (Holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027,
and endowed with the right to assign ECTS for informal study programs) and
CPT-ASU (US), co-members of SMR.
SMR Summer Schools at the Campus in Greece
Julia Kristeva, Miglena Nikolchina
With Katarina Kolozova as invited lecturer
The Feminine in an Age of Anthropological Transformation
Dates: 8th to 15th of September 2024, Olympiada, Greece
- Short Syllabus with the tentative agenda and practical information -
In the accelerated anthropological transformation at the beginning of this third millennium, women are at once an emerging force, on the same level with its upheavals in values and identities, AND an irreducible otherness—object of desire, fear, and envy, of oppression and exploitation, of abuse and exclusion. Julia Kristeva’s masterclass will focus on the transformative potential of what she conceptualizes as the feminine: not femininity, not femaleness or womanhood but a specific aspect of the human psyche which might be the proper engine of our capacity to change.
Lecture 1. Feminine Oedipus or, about female sexuality. (Kristeva)
Lecture 2. The Female Genius (Arend, Klein, Colette) (Kristeva)
In the second part of the course Miglena Nikolchina will approach works of science fiction (the TV series Battlestar “Galactica,” Blade Runner and BladeRunner 2049, Alien- from the first one to Prometheus and Alien: Covenant) in order to foreground the role that maternity and (pro)creation play in attempts to define the human vis-à-vis the machine. Kristeva’s concept of the feminine will be examined in the framework of what Freud termed “psychic revolution of matter”: the revolution which is arguably at the center of Kristeva’s thought from her earliest writing to her latest.
Lecture 1. Being Born or Being Made? Kristeva’s Concept of the Maternal Chora and the Semiotic. (Nikolchina)
Lecture 2. Making Soul by Making Flesh: Kristeva’s Concepts of Signifiance and Transubstantiation. (Nikolchina)
The third part offered by Katarina Kolozova focuses on Marx’s notion of “fetish” as commodity or, if the term fetish is problematic in any way, then, quite simply on the problem of commodity as reification of abstraction. There is an unnegotiable categorical distinction between the abstract and the material or physical. The distinction is, let us reiterate, categorical not ontological. There is a distinction between the two and they should not be conflated or rendered mutually interchangeable. We will look at the dialectics of femininity as commodified and fetishised value (Irigaray), its comparability with Marx’s formulae of M-C-M and how philosophy operates as a signifying automation or pleasure principle (Lacan, Laruelle, and the foreclosure of the real). We will also try to tie this discussion with Kristeva’s thesis of the Feminine Oedipus.
Lecture 3. Comparability of the Machines of Patriarchy, Capital and Philosophy: The Fate of the Remnants of Flesh and femininity (Kolozova)
Day 1 Arrivals, and an opening dinner
Day 2
10.00-11.30 Kristeva’s Master Class part 1, Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the students.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout sessions supervised by Nikolchina and Kolozova
Day 3
10.00-11.30 Kristeva’s Master Class part 2, Lecture 2
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous day, moderated by Nikolchina and Kolozova with Kristeva’s feedback.
Day 4
10.00-11.30 Nikolchina’s Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout sessions supervised by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova
Day 5
10.00-11.30 Nikolchina’s Lecture 2
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous day, moderated by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova.
Day 6
10.00-11.30 Kolozova’s Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Student presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice that have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented. Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice that have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented. Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
Day 7
Free day with optional program SMR will organize for those interested; Among the offered options will be: A one day tour "In the Footsteps of Aristotle", Visit to Mount Athos, Visit to the archaeological site of Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, and other options (like the Aristotle National Park). We will ask you to select options in your application forms and in that way we will know well ahead of time what to organize. Certainly, anyone can make arrangements of their own choice. Staying at the beach is also an option that anyone can use freely.
Informal Program: Students/participants can propose and organize their own activities like movie screening and discussions in the shared space on the ground floor ending at 10.30 PM latest.
We made sure that we follow the ancient Greek principle of philosophical study, including also arts and sciences, being scholē (leisure time, pleasure and play). The institute is placed in what was once Stagira after all, the birthplace of Aristotle. The program is structured in such a way that it allows for enjoying the sun and the beach of the Aegean Sea as well as socialising with the rest of the group, visiting local tavernas, taking trips to nearby archaeological sites and visits to Thessaloniki and other interesting nearby location. Olympiada is the contemporary name of ancient Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, located in the northern part of the region of Macedonia of Greece. The climate is mild, the area is surrounded by continental rather than Mediterranean flora and fauna. It is surrounded by green mountainous area. Mount Athos is only 70-80 miles away.
Hybrid format module: For those who cannot make it to the Campus, we have reserved the option for online participation; please, bear in mind that its possibilities are limited compared to the in-person participation (interaction with faculty and community, informal program, presentations, etc.). The fee for the online variant is also 300 euro.
For the Global South there is automatic discount of 30% (on the overall price, excluding online participation).
Fees and what they cover.
- 1000 euro for 7 days full package: It covers both the program participation fee and hosting you at the Campus premises.
[Breakdown of costs explained in the call is revised due to rebalancing of the budget. However, all the elements of what hosting you on campus is as explained in the call are retained and still valid.]
- Important: The amount can be paid in instalments; you just need to choose the option in the application form.
How to Apply: Interested applicants can find the full application form here, as well as at the very bottom of this page. All application forms must be filled out in full and sent in by December 31th, 2023, in order to be considered valid. If you have any inquiries please send them to all of the following email address: schoolofmaterialistresearch@gmail.com
Regarding housing and food:
The full participation fee enables the SMR organizer to secure affordable lodging in Olympiada through our local partner tour operators. SMR can house up to 15 students/participants of its Summer Institute programs , and its cost is included in the participation fee. It also offers fridges and stove in the shared kitchen/coffee station area you can prepare your own food (however cooking elaborate meals is not allowed, more snacks, salads, etc.). Laundry area is provided as well. Showers and bathrooms are shared but at least three on each floor (all areas are renovated and clean)
Important: All those who cannot submit an early application to make sure they will be housed at the SMR building, can either find an accommodation in a walking distance with our help (for a discount price) or directly themselves via booking and other platforms, as well as the local tour operators whose contact details will be provided.
Regarding food, some of the meals will be prearranged by SMR in collaboration with the local tavernas, and that cost is also included in the price.
All the snacks and coffee plus water is provided by SMR.
Ground transportation from the airport: Olympada is only 50 minutes away by car from the Thessaloniki airport should you share a care or find a direct shuttle. Unfortunately, the shuttles from the airport are slower due to making stops. If you want us to arrange transportation for you, please indicated in the application but keep in mind that we will have to group you with others arriving at around a similar hour, so we will have to let you know if the arrangement can be made and also how much it will cost (should it turn our that a car is picking up one person). After we offer you options, you will make your own choice and let us know. This will not be included in the fee, but we will make sure the prices for our participants are highly favourable. Here are some useful links should you choose to arrange your own transportation: Hellas Chauffeur https://tinyurl.com/yxr4skf2 , or Welcome Pickups https://tinyurl.com/2s3zjxt9 , and many other links that can be found on the airport website.
What you earn after the School: An ECTS certificate of completion of 2 credits (1 ECTS = 28 hours of not only class but also you individual work or preparation and project/presentation writing/creating), cosigned by ISSHS (Holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, and endowed with the right to assign ECTS for informal study programs) and CPT-ASU (US), co-members of SMR.
Julia Kristeva, Miglena Nikolchina
With Katarina Kolozova as invited lecturer
The Feminine in an Age of Anthropological Transformation
Dates: 8th to 15th of September 2024, Olympiada, Greece
- Short Syllabus with the tentative agenda and practical information -
In the accelerated anthropological transformation at the beginning of this third millennium, women are at once an emerging force, on the same level with its upheavals in values and identities, AND an irreducible otherness—object of desire, fear, and envy, of oppression and exploitation, of abuse and exclusion. Julia Kristeva’s masterclass will focus on the transformative potential of what she conceptualizes as the feminine: not femininity, not femaleness or womanhood but a specific aspect of the human psyche which might be the proper engine of our capacity to change.
Lecture 1. Feminine Oedipus or, about female sexuality. (Kristeva)
Lecture 2. The Female Genius (Arend, Klein, Colette) (Kristeva)
In the second part of the course Miglena Nikolchina will approach works of science fiction (the TV series Battlestar “Galactica,” Blade Runner and BladeRunner 2049, Alien- from the first one to Prometheus and Alien: Covenant) in order to foreground the role that maternity and (pro)creation play in attempts to define the human vis-à-vis the machine. Kristeva’s concept of the feminine will be examined in the framework of what Freud termed “psychic revolution of matter”: the revolution which is arguably at the center of Kristeva’s thought from her earliest writing to her latest.
Lecture 1. Being Born or Being Made? Kristeva’s Concept of the Maternal Chora and the Semiotic. (Nikolchina)
Lecture 2. Making Soul by Making Flesh: Kristeva’s Concepts of Signifiance and Transubstantiation. (Nikolchina)
The third part offered by Katarina Kolozova focuses on Marx’s notion of “fetish” as commodity or, if the term fetish is problematic in any way, then, quite simply on the problem of commodity as reification of abstraction. There is an unnegotiable categorical distinction between the abstract and the material or physical. The distinction is, let us reiterate, categorical not ontological. There is a distinction between the two and they should not be conflated or rendered mutually interchangeable. We will look at the dialectics of femininity as commodified and fetishised value (Irigaray), its comparability with Marx’s formulae of M-C-M and how philosophy operates as a signifying automation or pleasure principle (Lacan, Laruelle, and the foreclosure of the real). We will also try to tie this discussion with Kristeva’s thesis of the Feminine Oedipus.
Lecture 3. Comparability of the Machines of Patriarchy, Capital and Philosophy: The Fate of the Remnants of Flesh and femininity (Kolozova)
Day 1 Arrivals, and an opening dinner
Day 2
10.00-11.30 Kristeva’s Master Class part 1, Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the students.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout sessions supervised by Nikolchina and Kolozova
Day 3
10.00-11.30 Kristeva’s Master Class part 2, Lecture 2
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Kristeva’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous day, moderated by Nikolchina and Kolozova with Kristeva’s feedback.
Day 4
10.00-11.30 Nikolchina’s Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 1 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in groups on topics chosen during the morning lecture, breakout sessions supervised by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova
Day 5
10.00-11.30 Nikolchina’s Lecture 2
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Continuation of Nikolchina’s Lecture 2 combined with interactive input from the students: open discussion, Q&A and comments.
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student work in plenary: exchange among the breakout groups from the previous day, moderated by Nikolchina and/or Kolozova.
Day 6
10.00-11.30 Kolozova’s Lecture 1
11.30-12.00 Coffee and Snacks Break
12.00-13.00 Student presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice that have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented. Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
13.00-16.30 Lunch break and beach time
16.30-18.00 Student presentations based on either their reaction to the content offered at the school or reports, papers, presentations in a different form of one’s choice that have been prepared prior to the school and announced to be presented. Facilitated by the instructor/s and a student (junior SMR staff)
Day 7
Free day with optional program SMR will organize for those interested; Among the offered options will be: A one day tour "In the Footsteps of Aristotle", Visit to Mount Athos, Visit to the archaeological site of Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, and other options (like the Aristotle National Park). We will ask you to select options in your application forms and in that way we will know well ahead of time what to organize. Certainly, anyone can make arrangements of their own choice. Staying at the beach is also an option that anyone can use freely.
Informal Program: Students/participants can propose and organize their own activities like movie screening and discussions in the shared space on the ground floor ending at 10.30 PM latest.
We made sure that we follow the ancient Greek principle of philosophical study, including also arts and sciences, being scholē (leisure time, pleasure and play). The institute is placed in what was once Stagira after all, the birthplace of Aristotle. The program is structured in such a way that it allows for enjoying the sun and the beach of the Aegean Sea as well as socialising with the rest of the group, visiting local tavernas, taking trips to nearby archaeological sites and visits to Thessaloniki and other interesting nearby location. Olympiada is the contemporary name of ancient Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle, located in the northern part of the region of Macedonia of Greece. The climate is mild, the area is surrounded by continental rather than Mediterranean flora and fauna. It is surrounded by green mountainous area. Mount Athos is only 70-80 miles away.
Hybrid format module: For those who cannot make it to the Campus, we have reserved the option for online participation; please, bear in mind that its possibilities are limited compared to the in-person participation (interaction with faculty and community, informal program, presentations, etc.). The fee for the online variant is also 300 euro.
For the Global South there is automatic discount of 30% (on the overall price, excluding online participation).
Fees and what they cover.
- 1000 euro for 7 days full package: It covers both the program participation fee and hosting you at the Campus premises.
[Breakdown of costs explained in the call is revised due to rebalancing of the budget. However, all the elements of what hosting you on campus is as explained in the call are retained and still valid.]
- Important: The amount can be paid in instalments; you just need to choose the option in the application form.
How to Apply: Interested applicants can find the full application form here, as well as at the very bottom of this page. All application forms must be filled out in full and sent in by December 31th, 2023, in order to be considered valid. If you have any inquiries please send them to all of the following email address: schoolofmaterialistresearch@gmail.com
Regarding housing and food:
The full participation fee enables the SMR organizer to secure affordable lodging in Olympiada through our local partner tour operators. SMR can house up to 15 students/participants of its Summer Institute programs , and its cost is included in the participation fee. It also offers fridges and stove in the shared kitchen/coffee station area you can prepare your own food (however cooking elaborate meals is not allowed, more snacks, salads, etc.). Laundry area is provided as well. Showers and bathrooms are shared but at least three on each floor (all areas are renovated and clean)
Important: All those who cannot submit an early application to make sure they will be housed at the SMR building, can either find an accommodation in a walking distance with our help (for a discount price) or directly themselves via booking and other platforms, as well as the local tour operators whose contact details will be provided.
Regarding food, some of the meals will be prearranged by SMR in collaboration with the local tavernas, and that cost is also included in the price.
All the snacks and coffee plus water is provided by SMR.
Ground transportation from the airport: Olympada is only 50 minutes away by car from the Thessaloniki airport should you share a care or find a direct shuttle. Unfortunately, the shuttles from the airport are slower due to making stops. If you want us to arrange transportation for you, please indicated in the application but keep in mind that we will have to group you with others arriving at around a similar hour, so we will have to let you know if the arrangement can be made and also how much it will cost (should it turn our that a car is picking up one person). After we offer you options, you will make your own choice and let us know. This will not be included in the fee, but we will make sure the prices for our participants are highly favourable. Here are some useful links should you choose to arrange your own transportation: Hellas Chauffeur https://tinyurl.com/yxr4skf2 , or Welcome Pickups https://tinyurl.com/2s3zjxt9 , and many other links that can be found on the airport website.
What you earn after the School: An ECTS certificate of completion of 2 credits (1 ECTS = 28 hours of not only class but also you individual work or preparation and project/presentation writing/creating), cosigned by ISSHS (Holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, and endowed with the right to assign ECTS for informal study programs) and CPT-ASU (US), co-members of SMR.